Saturday, September 4, 2010

Earl? Earl who?

We are utterly disappointed. You are dead to us, Earl.

That's all.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ba... Ba... Baaaaahh...

The very minute we became so sufficiently disappointed in Earl that all fear left the house and birthday candles suddenly seemed a sufficient way to light our festivities, the phone rang.

!! Reverse-911 Emergency Code Red Announcement !!

They said, "You know, it seems calm right now, but be careful. It's going to get worse in the next couple of hours. The storm surges will get worse and don't be stupid."

...or something like that.

IArrest at Ocean Beach sandiego6.comn case the full police state that is developing in greater Montauk (which, by the way is NOT accurately depicted in the photograph at right) isn't warranted, and we begin to be thoroughly bored, we plan to set off fireworks, build a giant fire (to combat the air conditioning) and tell ghost stories while drinking prosecco. Yeah. We're that guy.

One Man Down

While our roster of characters here in Montauk has been rotating throughout the week, our most recent housemate departure was just this morning. The LIRR isn't running, but the Jitney is! ... and has been taken over by Heineken.

We raise our beers to our fallen comrade, may he arrive in Manhattan dry and unscathed!

Water. Water! WATER!!!

So, it stopped raining. In fact, if it weren't so overcast, it would be rather nice. This morning, once it stopped raining, we went to the dump then to pick up a friend to bring them back to weather the weather. On the way home, we stopped at the beach (ocean-side) to see what was going down.

At various points in this trip, we've been on the beach and there's been a sudden, random, rogue wave that's come up and pretty much soaked all of our stuff. We're one Kindle down because of this. The warning cry usually sounds something like: "Water. Water! WATER!!!" Well, during our beach interview with Alexander, we had a water water water moment.

Yeah, there are some waves out there. Luckily we stayed dry.

... Mostly.

Good morning, Earl

The rain has officially started after an overcast early morning.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Gay Montauk Life

-disclaimer: this is not all true-

Welcome to my home. My home away from home. My very-not-gay-home. So not gay, in fact, that I am single handedly keeping the rainbow on the east end of Long Island in view until Hurricane Earl (who is gay, by the way), comes to help me out. In practice, this means skipping down the street in my relatively skimpy bathing suit. Which has its perks.

So I have been here in Montauk since Saturday, and will be here till Monday, assuming that Earl (that 'Mo) doesn't knock out all modes of transportation. I have worked real hard to make sure I have tanned well on all sides, have finished one Michael Crihton (sp?) book and started a John Grishom book. I'm telling you, that's more exhausting than it sounds.

Oh wait, this entry is supposed to be about the gay scene in Montauk - and looking back at what I have written so far, I seem to have captured its depth quite fully. My iPhone gaydar application shows that the next gay male is 11.8 miles away (this is true). So I forge ahead in my gayness all alone, overdoing it just a little to make Montauk just a little more gay than it was when I got here.

It was also decided last night that it was a really awesome win for the gay community to capture the word 'gay', because it is a pretty great adjective (as distinct from a noun). So I decided that our next conquest should be the word "awesome." So do what you can to help the "gay community" become the "awesome community."

Now you know about Gay Montauk. Does that make you a better person?

ABC News - Earl Remix